What Does it Mean to Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
While industrial jobs are hard to find in this economy, service-based roles have increased, causing more employees to suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a painful disorder that is discomforting and sometimes there can be numbness of the hands. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is at the forefront of the new workplace and a significant health problem today. Because Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common workplace injury, it is considered to be a worker’s compensation claim and there are many workers compensation questions surrounding it.
New Laws for 2012
As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, more than 200 new laws will go into effect in Illinois including a database of first-degree murderers, stricter seat-belt enforcement and legislation that gives the public greater access to government information. To see all of the laws http://bit.ly/tMq23a
Myths About Child Abuse….
Turn on the TV and it is not hard to hear about the child molestation accusations that were made against Jerry Sandusky in the last two months. If you are like me it is difficult to wrap your mind around the possibility of a coach molesting children, especially someone in a mentoring role. Here are a few myths that I think that are worth squashing about child abuse.
Hybrid cars: Saving the Environment..And Your Life?
Most would agree that hybrid cars are better for the environment than traditional gas guzzling vehicles. And, hybrid cars are better for your wallet, too, since these vehicles use less gas. But, did you know that hybrid cars might offer safety benefits as well? As reported in the Washington Post, according to a recent insurance […]
Illinois Court Considers Liability of Truck Driver for Amtrak Accident
In March of 1999, in Bourbonnais, Illinois, an Amtrak passenger train collided with a semi-tractor trailer driven by John Stokes, causing a serious accident that resulted in many deaths. A number of lawsuits followed and, recently, in Dowe v. Birmingham Steel Corporation, Nos. 1-09-1997, 1-09-2006, the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District, considered liability for […]
More Proof That Safety Innovations in Cars Make a Difference
The roads can be dangerous, especially during the holiday season where there are more travelers than normal. Anything that can be done to decrease the number of serious injuries from car accidents on our nation’s highways is a good thing. That’s why we occasionally highlight new safety features in cars–because they really can make a […]
NTSB Seeks to Ban Use of Hand Held and Hand-Free Devices in Cars
Last week, the National Transportation Safety Board issued a press release detailing its plans to move forward with the implementation of a nationwide ban on the nonemergency use of portable electronic devices (PED) while driving a car. The driving force behind the proposed regulation is to prevent car accidents caused by distracted driving, thus making […]
Record Low Number of Traffic Accidents Nationwide Last Year. But Why?
Despite sensationalistic news headlines to the contrary, it seems that in 2010, traffic fatalities were the lowest they’ve been in decades. In fact, as explained in this thenewspaper.com blog post, the last time the numbers this low was in the 1940s: Fewer people died on America’s roads than at any time in the past sixty-one […]
Reducing the number of teen car accidents
Everyone knows that teen drivers are the most likely to get into car accidents. Their lack of driving experience combined with distracted driving and an inability to appreciate risks all contribute to the greater likelihood that teen drivers will be in more automobile accident than adult drivers. In fact, according to this Chicago Tribune article, […]
U.S. Car Accident Map and Chicago Bicycle Accident Map
According to the Guardian UK Datablog, there were 369,269 deaths on U.S. roadways between 2001 and 2009. The accidents that caused these deaths involved cars, trucks, cyclists, pedestrians and motorcyclists. It’s such a large figure that it’s difficult to wrap your mind around it. Although these tragic losses are nearly incomprehensible, the Datablog offers an […]