How Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyers Can Help with Birth Injury Claims
If a birth injury takes place, medical malpractice attorneys may be able to provide representation to seek compensation if negligence was responsible for the injury. What Do Medical Malpractice Lawyers Do? Medical malpractice attorneys handle many types of cases involving negligent medical professionals who cause preventable injury to patients, including infants before, during, or after childbirth. […]
Misdiagnosed Ectopic Pregnancy? You May Have a Birth Injury Claim
If a doctor has misdiagnosed an expecting mother with ectopic pregnancy, it may be possible to file a birth injury claim. Ectopic pregnancy is a serious diagnosis that is potentially fatal and requires immediate treatment, but misdiagnosis can result in serious injury that’s otherwise avoidable. Misdiagnosing Ectopic Pregnancies Ectopic pregnancies involve an embryo attaching to […]
The Dangers of Unapproved Stem Cell Therapies
Unapproved stem cell therapies can present health complications in patients. Specifically, infections can develop, including epidural abscesses and infections of the bloodstream or joints. What Are Approved Stem Cell Therapies? Currently, the only approved stem cell therapies are derived from the blood drawn from umbilical cords. These therapies are specifically intended to increase blood cell count or […]
Real Life Medical Malpractice Horror Stories
Patients who are injured because of the negligent actions of their doctors or healthcare providers are entitled to compensation for their injuries and losses. In the United States, most of the 30 million surgeries performed each year have successful outcomes. However, when preventable mistakes or freak accidents occur during surgery or patient care, this is […]
Will Continued Drug Shortages Increase the Risk for Medical Malpractice?
Alternative therapies to accommodate shortages of vital medications in hospitals puts the health of patients at risk, opening the door for medical malpractice lawsuits. Medical malpractice lawyers work on behalf of patients who suffer injuries because of inadequate care, including when injuries are related to forgoing or switching medications. Hospitals Are Struggling with Prolonged Drug […]
Septic Arthritis: Here What You Need to Know
When septic arthritis is not promptly diagnosed and treated, permanent damage to the joint can result. A joint infection that causes red, swollen, and painful joints, septic arthritis is often accompanied by a fever. When a patient presents with these symptoms, septic arthritis is one of the first conditions doctors typically consider. When a doctor […]
Midwives Under Fire
An at-home delivery performed by midwives can increase the risk of birth injuries, including permanent brain injuries. When a midwife’s negligence causes injury to a newborn or to its mother, it may be possible to file a birth injury lawsuit with the help of a medical malpractice lawyer. Negligence of Midwives Approximately 8 percent of […]
Your Surgeon Made a Mistake. Now What?
When a surgeon fails to follow the appropriate standard of care and makes a mistake that causes harm to the patient, surgical malpractice has occurred. Patients and their families have a right to file a claim to receive compensation for any injuries or damages caused by that malpractice. A Surgeon’s Duty of Care to Patients […]
Maternal Death Rate in US Is Getting Worse. Here’s Why
Improper hospital safety procedures cause more than 50,000 women to suffer severe complications and life-threatening injuries during childbirth every year in the United States. Approximately 700 women die each year from preventable injuries. Deadly Deliveries on the Rise Many U.S. hospitals are not following basic recommended safety procedures during childbirth. As a result, maternal death […]
How Safe Was Your MRI?
The safety of gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) used to enhance MRI images has, in recent years, become one of the biggest concerns in radiology. GBCAs contain gadolinium, a heavy metal. Patients and radiologist began to question the safety of GBCA when a study came out in 2014 showing that gadolinium is retained in various organs. […]