When Healthcare Workers Become Patients

Healthcare workers and social assistance personnel have some of the highest injury rates within the private sector and in 2015 had 158,400 incidents that required at least one day away from work. Nationwide, the healthcare industry has an incident rate of 113.6 per 10,000 workers which was down slightly from 121.3 in 2014. The incident […]

Rollover Accidents_Car Accident Lawyer

The Risks and Realities of Rollover Accidents [infographic]

It is important for Illinois drivers to be aware of rollover accident risks and to take precautions to avoid becoming seriously injured victims. Roughly 30% of all car accident fatalities are the result of vehicle rollovers and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that these crashes cause approximately 10,000 deaths annually. Rollovers are also […]

Pay Attention to Delayed Symptoms Following an Accident

Symptoms of an injury may present themselves days, weeks, months, or even years following an accident. While injuries such as broken bones, lacerations, etc. are readily apparent following a crash, there are many other injuries that can take the time to manifest and present symptoms that are identifiable. Thus, it is important for individuals injured […]