Expiration Dates On Vouchers
The social-buying category is extremely popular with consumers; companies like Groupon and LivingSocial offer huge discounts – usually 50-90% off – from local businesses. The magic of this category is that the companies buy bulk discounts for the consumer, and you, as the consumer, purchase a voucher, better known as a gift card.
Medicare Pilot Program for Montana Asbestos Victims
In 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency declared a public health emergency arising from the long term asbestos exposure of Libby, Montana residents. The exposure occurred due to the operation of a vermiculite mine in Libby from the 1920s to 1990. Earlier this month, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced that people residing in […]
Rosa’s Law Replaces The R Word
When we hear the word disabilities we usually think about physical disabilities. Rosa’s Law, named for an 8-year-old Maryland girl diagnosed with Downs Syndrome, gives dignity to people with intellectual disabilities allowing them to be respected and appreciated.
Changes in the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act
Over the past year Illinois lawmakers have determined to pass new Worker’s Compensation Reform bill. This new law I scheduled to become effective September1, 2011; it will dramatically impact the rights of injured workers. The two major changes provides for changes in obtaining medical treatment, permanency or monetary awards. Now more an injured worker needs a highly skilled Workers Compensation attorney in order to receive workers compensation benefits.
Illinois Supreme Court Considers Pattern Jury Instruction for Professional Negligence
The Illinois Supreme Court addressed an interesting issue earlier this month: whether the Illinois Pattern Jury Instructions on the standard of care for professional negligence correctly stated the law in Illinois. This issue was considered in Studt v. Sherman Health Systems, 2011 WL 2409897. In Studt, the plaintiff filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against the […]
Illinois Court Rejects Restatement Tort Claim
In Tilschner v. Spangler, No. 2-10-0111, the Appellate Court of Illinois, Second District, considered the viability of a personal injury lawsuit based on claims seeking to impose liability for the failure to control a third party’s actions. In this case, the plaintiff was a guest at a party and was injured when another guest set […]
Supreme Court of Illinois Revises Elements of Wrongful Birth Claim
In Clark v. Children’s Memorial Hospital, No. 108656, the Supreme Court of Illinois considered the validity of a lawsuit involving claims that a hospital and its physicians failed to properly test and diagnose a couple’s first born child for a genetic defect and thus failed to advise the couple of the risk of conceiving a […]
Proposed Policies Regarding Recalled Rental Cars Insufficient
In past posts, we’ve reported that rental car agencies regularly lease recalled cars without fixing the underlying safety issue behind the recall. There have been a number of attempts to fix this problem, including a joint petition filed with the FTC by two consumer groups asking that the FTC investigate the situation, legislation introduced in […]
Will Cars of the Future Have Black Boxes?
In the very near future, if the Department of Transportation gets its way, all new vehicles may be required to have “black boxes” much like the ones used in airplanes. These devices record and collect data related to the operation of the motor vehicle. This data can then be accessed and analyzed in the event […]
Illinois Workers’ Comp Bill Passes
As we discussed in recent posts, changes to Illinois’ workers’ compensation have been on the horizon for a few months now. One sticking point in recent drafts of the proposed legislation that was of great concern was the proposed change that would require workers to prove that the injuries for which they seek benefits were […]