Commute Strategically and Reduce Car Accidents
If you live in the suburbs, unless you’re fortunate enough to have a job located near your home, then commuting is a way of life for you. For many, commuting can be a hassle at best and dangerous at worst. When drivers are faced with traffic congestion during their daily commutes, they can become easily […]
Illinois Court Addresses Expert Testimony in Auto Defect Case
Is the plaintiff required to offer expert testimony in an Illinois automobile products liability design defect case? In a recent case from the United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, the plaintiffs asserted that expert testimony was not required to prove their claim that a 1993 Ford Explorer was defectively designed and overturned easily because […]
Proper Child Car Seat Installation Isn’t Always Easy
Car seats provide children, the most vulnerable of passengers, with much-needed extra protection in the event of a car accident. However, when they’re not installed correctly, car seats don’t protect children the way that they are designed to. And, unfortunately, according to a recent study, many parents continue to have difficulties installing car seats properly. […]
Should truckers be banned from using cell phones?
The National Transportation Safety Board recently recommended that commercial truck drivers be banned from using cell phones while driving. A horrific car accident that occurred in Kentucky in 2010 was the impetus behind the recommendation. In that case, a trucker who was believed to have been talking on his cell phone at the time of […]
Safety Innovations for Cars
Will new found innovations make cars smarter and safer? Perhaps. And given how frequently car accidents occur and how serious the injuries can be, it’s never a bad idea to make automobiles safer. In the past, we discussed how the National Highway Transportation Safety Association was behind a push to have black boxes installed in […]
Chicago Ranks Low in “Safest Driving City” Report
If you’re a Chicago resident who drives a car, you can expect to get into a car accident every 7.7 years according to a report recently released by Allstate Insurance Company. And, your likelihood of being involved in an accident is 30% higher than the national average. In other words, buckle up, Chicagoans! The report, […]
Lawyer Sues Alleging Article About Brachial Plexus Injuries is False
The Day on Torts blog reports of an interesting lawsuit filed by Massachusetts attorney Kenneth Levine. In the lawsuit, Gorbey v. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, No. 1:11-CV- 11259-NMG (pending in the U. S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts), Levine alleges that the authors of a medical article about brachial plexus injuries […]
Illinois–In the Minority On Helmet Laws
It’s a contentious issue for many bikers–whether states should be able to require motorcyclists to wear helmets. For them, it’s an issue of personal choice and freedom. But there are many other interests at stake. For insurers, it’s an issue of money and for the states regulating helmet use, it’s an issue of public safety. […]