5 facts about footwear safety

5 Facts About Footwear Safety [infographic]

Proper footwear can prevent slip and fall accidents and reduce the potential for workplace injuries. In the United States, employers are required to maintain safe flooring surfaces, but in most cases, it is up to employees to provide their own footwear. The choice of footwear can have a significant impact on the employee’s injury risk […]

a man using a breathalyzer, accident lawyers

A Smarter Way to Prevent Drunk Driving

Technological advances are putting the power to stop drunk driving accidents into the hands of the drivers themselves. By coupling smartphone technology with personal breathalyzers, it may be possible to significantly reduce the rates of drunk driving across the country. Costing roughly $100, these personal breathalyzers have the potential to save many lives and protect […]

Major Retailers Work to Remove Products with Dangerous Chemicals from Their Shelves

Consumer products that contain hazardous chemicals can cause significant personal injuries including respiratory problems, neurological damage, and cancer. For these reasons, Costco and Walmart, and other retailers are developing new standards that would remove products containing potentially hazardous chemicals from their inventory. These efforts could go a long way towards protecting consumers from the serious […]