Honoring Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday: 5 Reasons You Should Be Honest with Your Injury Lawyer

Clients who are not truthful with their personal injury lawyer could lose their chance to receive fair compensation for their claims. When the attorney knows the complete story, including information that could adversely affect the case, he or she can be prepared with a strategy to handle any repercussions that may arise.

Reasons claimants should be honest with their injury lawyers include:

#1 – Insurance Companies and Defendants Will Comb Through the Claimant’s History

Just as the claimant’s lawyer will look out for their client’s best interests, so will the lawyers who work on the behalf of the defendants and their insurers. Personal injury claimants can expect details of their lawsuits to be scrutinized. The other side’s lawyers will try to dig up any information they can to disprove the claim in court.

#2 – Information Given in Depositions and Written Discovery Must Be Truthful

With personal injury lawsuits, it is common for the injured party to be deposed. This is done under oath. The claimant needs to provide truthful testimony in the deposition and not exaggerate the extent of the injuries. The information that is shared in written discovery also needs to be truthful. If it is discovered that the claimant provided false information, it can be difficult to win the case because the judge or jury may not believe the individual.

#3 – No Matter How Bad the Details Are, Lawyers Need to Know

Injured parties need to be honest with their lawyers, no matter how damaging the information might be. Lawyers should be advised of:

  • Previously filed injury claims or lawsuits
  • Prior injuries and accidents
  • Past criminal charges
  • Previous medical problems
  • All doctors seen by the claimant
  • Prior medical treatment

#4 – Lawyers Should Not Be Surprised with New Information in Court

The worst place for a lawyer to be surprised with information regarding their client is in court when the opposing counsel gives it. This includes any information that the defendant’s lawyer has discovered on the plaintiff’s social media accounts. When lawyers are caught off guard with new information in court, it can be difficult to provide the best defense for their clients.

#5 – Clients Should Feel Comfortable Discussing Their Case with Their Lawyers

An injured party should feel comfortable with providing truthful answers to the lawyer. If the client is not comfortable disclosing information, he or she may need a different attorney.