Falling in the Food Store

Did you know that a business is not automatically responsible for water causing harm to a patron at the entrance of a store? One of the most commonplace inquiries to our office involves a client falling on tracked-in water when entering a food store or other business. We hear from clients that there was not a slip mat or that it was soiled, and that is why they fell. Slip mats are provided as a courtesy in order to help prevent a fall.

Workers Compensation Reform on the Horizon

It is anticipated that a major Workers Compensation Reform Bill to overhaul the entire current system will come up for a vote. If these new laws are passed my firm, and other Workers Compensation attorneys’, ability to obtain justice for clients that are injured at work could be restricted. I am letting you know about some of the potential reforms so that if in the future we ask for your assistance in contacting your Congressman you will understand how important making that contact truly is.

Can I Shovel?

Having just come through the blizzard of 2011 it was not difficult to see the snow removal efforts made by many citizens. Illinois’s Natural Accumulation Rule & the Snow and Ice Renewal Act of 2005 states that the natural accumulations of snow and ice should give property owners comfort knowing that they can shovel without […]

Do You Know Where Your Candy is Made?

Who doesn’t love great chocolate? I know it is a weakness of mine. I can’t stress enough the importance of knowing where your sweets come from. In today’s economy many people are making chocolates, toffees, and baked goods out of their own kitchens and selling them. Food that is manufactured in a commercial setting is governed by food safety and sanitation rules, but food produced out of a home kitchen is not regulated.

Stop Sexting

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you may be thinking of a way to spice up your love life. Sexting is not going to do the trick; you really need to think twice about posting your love life online or texting it. Sending photographs of a sexual nature via electronic media is considered sexting. Technology has transformed the way we interact; unfortunately due to the ease by which we communicate with cell phones, Facebook and email it has also led to dangerous and destructive behaviors including forms of sexual harassment.

Protecting Your Assets

Homeowners and rental insurance not only protects your dwelling but also the contents of your home. Whether you own or rent the contents of your home can be one of your biggest assets and protecting your assets is very important. The information contained in your insurance policy defines what is protected and varies from policy to policy; you need to know what protection you have in case of a problem.

New Law Cracks Down On Excessive Speeding

A new Illinois law cracks down on aggressive drivers; if you have a lead foot you need to ease up on the gas pedal as of January 1, 2011. The new law defines driving between 30 and 39 mph above the posted limit as excessive speeding, with a penalty of up to $1,500 in fines as well as up to six months in jail.

Gavel on money

$75 Ticket If Your Child Is Not In a Safety Seat

There are a many reasons and laws as to why you need to assure that your child is either in a child restraint seat or securely strapped into the back seat when riding in an automobile. Your child deserves the very best protection in your vehicle. As we have all heard for the past several years, airbags and young children do not mix.

Auto Insurance Protects You

Auto insurance protects some of the most important people in your life, you and your passengers. For most people their automobile is one of their most valuable assets, next to their home. Appropriately, having good insurance coverage should be taken very seriously. As your attorney I can’t stress enough your need to maintain appropriate insurance coverage.

New Law Addresses The Problem of Teen Sexting

Sending photographs of a sexual nature via the cellular phone or computer is considered sexting, and can have huge consequences for minors. As the sexting law stands now, minors caught electronically distributing photographs that are sexual in nature are considered to be in promotion of Child Pornography. Child Pornography laws are harsh and include mandatory registration as a sex offender.